Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Fort McMurray—Cold Lake Report

Consists of:

  1. the City of Cold Lake;
  2. that part of the Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the Province of Alberta and the northerly limit of the Elizabeth Metis Settlement; thence westerly along said limit to Range Road 420; thence westerly and northwesterly along Township Road 610 to Highway 897; thence southwesterly and westerly along said highway to the southeasterly corner of the Cold Lake Indian Reserve No. 149; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to a point on Highway 659 at approximate latitude 54°15'49"N and longitude 110°22'50"W; thence northwesterly and westerly along said highway to Range Road 452; thence northerly along said road to Township Road 614; thence generally westerly along said road, Highway 660 and Township Road 612 to the westerly limit of said municipal district;
  3. the Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17, excluding the area described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said municipal district with a point at approximate latitude 56°48'28"N and longitude 114°57'31"W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 56°48'16"N and longitude 114°04'44"W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 56°27'24"N and longitude 114°04'54"W; thence westerly in a straight line to a point on the westerly limit of said municipal district at approximate latitude 56°27'33"N and longitude 114°56'59"W; thence northerly, generally westerly, northerly, easterly and northerly along said limit to the point of commencement;
  4. the specialized municipalities of Lac La Biche County and the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo;
  5. Improvement District No. 349 (annexed by the Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 as of May 1, 2021);
  6. Improvement District No. 24 (Wood Buffalo), excluding the area described as follows: commencing at a point on the westerly limit of said improvement district at approximate latitude 58°45'55"N and longitude 114°00'00"W; thence east in a straight line to the westerly boundary of Tp 112 R 22 W 4; thence south along said boundary to the northerly boundary of Tp 111; thence west along said boundary to a point on the westerly shoreline of the Peace River at approximate latitude 58°41'21"N and longitude 113°55'31"W; thence southwesterly along said shoreline to the westerly limit of said improvement district; thence northerly along said limit to the point of commencement;
  7. the Indian Settlement of Desmarais; and
  8. the Indian reserves of Allison Bay No. 219, Beaver Lake No. 131, Cold Lake No. 149, Cold Lake No. 149A, Cold Lake No. 149B, Dog Head No. 218, Fort McKay No. 174, Gregoire Lake No. 176, Gregoire Lake No. 176A, Heart Lake No. 167, Janvier No. 194, Jean Baptiste Gambler No. 183, Old Fort No. 217, Thabacha Náre No. 196A, Thebathi No. 196, Wabasca No. 166, Wabasca No. 166A, Wabasca No. 166B, Wabasca No. 166C and Wabasca No. 166D.