Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Required Advance Notice of Representation

Anyone wishing to make a representation at a sitting of the Commission must give notice in writing to the Secretary of the Commission no later than one week prior to the hearing at which the person wishes to make the representation. The notice must state the name and address of the person who will make the representation and indicate concisely the nature of the representation and the interest of such person. A person may make a written submission without necessarily appearing at a public hearing.

Notices, submissions and correspondence shall be addressed to:

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for British Columbia
1055 West Hastings Street, Suite 300
Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9

Notices and submissions may also be sent electronically by filling out the Public Hearing Notice Form online or by using the Interactive Mapping Tool at www.redecoupage-redistribution-2022.ca (click on The commissions, select British Columbia and then click on Public participation).

Those who wish to make a representation should consult the rules below.