Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Notice of Sittings for the Hearing of Representations

The Commission will hold sittings for the hearing of representations on the matter of the proposed electoral districts for the province at the following dates, times and places:

Notice of Sittings for the Hearing of Representations
Location Place of hearing Date of hearing Time of hearing
WinnipegFort Garry Hotel Concert Hall, 7th Floor
222 Broadway
Wednesday, September  7, 20227 p.m.
BrandonVictoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre, Salon 1
3550 Victoria Avenue
Thursday, September 8, 20227 p.m.
Virtual hearing The link will be provided to participantsTuesday, September 20, 20227 p.m.
SteinbachMennonite Heritage Village Multi-Purpose Room
231 PTH 12 N
Wednesday, September 21, 20227 p.m.
Virtual hearing The link will be provided to participantsThursday, September 22, 20227 p.m.

Maps of the proposed division of the province into electoral districts have been prepared and are included in this proposal. These maps show the boundaries of the proposed electoral districts, as well as the population and name proposed for each of them.

Persons who wish to make a representation must give notice in writing to the Commission, stating their name and address and indicating concisely the nature of the representation and the interest of such person. The notice must also indicate at which one of the above hearings the person wishes their representation to be heard. This notice must be given within 23 days after the dates and places of the sittings have been advertised in the Canada Gazette and in newspaper inserts. The Commission notes that the dates will also be advertised on our website at redecoupage-redistribution-2022.ca. No representation will be heard unless the above notice is provided, except where the Commission, at its discretion, determines that it is in the public interest to waive the requirement for notice.

If a sitting is postponed or cancelled, the Commission must give public notice of the postponement or cancellation. The Secretary to the Commission must notify any person who had given notice that they wished to make a representation at the postponed or cancelled sitting and indicate that the Commission will hear their representation at a specified later date.

The Commission has made rules governing sittings for the hearing of representations as provided for in section 18 of the Act. These rules are listed in this proposal, along with a brief summary of them.

Notices must be received no later than August 30, 2022 and must be addressed to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Manitoba.

As stated above, we most sincerely welcome your views on this proposal. If you are unable to attend the public hearings, please feel free to use the other channels of communication mentioned in this proposal.