Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 23 (25 June 2022) comments and feedback

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Heather Crawford

Subject: New Brunswick's Proposal Electoral District - Saint John

I have reviewed the redistribution of the electoral districts and am very concerned about the impact this will have on Saint John. While I currently live in Rothesay, I grew up in Saint John and spent all my working life in that city. I am a Saint John supporter and I believe that the proposed electoral districts will have very negative consequences on the future success of Saint John. I understand by reviewing the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act that the commission shall consider "the community of interest or community of identify in or the historical pattern of an electoral district in the province". How can the Commission split a city in half and put the population into two different districts and abide by this dictate? Do not the people of Saint John consider themselves "Saint Johners"? What happens in the east side of Saint John impacts those in the west side. People living in the east side work in the west side and vice versa. Businesses advertise their services and products to both those in the east side and the west side. And, most of all concerning, is the fact that the Council and businesses of Saint John must engage with two different MP's (who may represent two different parties) to solicit any kind of support from the Federal Government.

We can already see this impact of this decision on the schedule of public hearings where hearings are being held in Moncton and Fredericton, but not Saint John.

I am requesting that the New Brunswick Commission rethink this decision and put forward revised electoral districts for the southern part of New Brunswick that enable the city of Saint John to remain intact as one federal district.

Thank you.

Heather Crawford

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