Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 25 (11 July 2022) comments and feedback

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Brittany Merrifield, Mayor of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield

Subject: Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022

Dear Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for New Brunswick,

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield applauds the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for their endeavors to achieve equitable and fair federal representation for all New Brunswickers.

With the proposed changes by the Commission, Grand Bay-Westfield would be included in the electoral district of the suggested name of Saint John – St. Croix.

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield believes that communities are better served when their Members of Parliament are representing constituents living in communities which share similar:

  • Socioeconomic interests and threats
  • Goals and strategies for growth
  • Economic development
  • Recreation facilities
  • Regional cooperation/collaboration.

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield believes the geographic proximity of our community as well as commonalities, are better aligned with the Greater Saint John Region as a whole.

Thank you, for your consideration of our views on the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution.


Brittany Merrifield Mayor Town of Grand Bay-Westfield

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