Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 39 (22 August 2022) comments and feedback

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City of Saint John Bradley Dryer, Special Advisor to the Mayor of Saint John

Redistribution of boundaries and how it may impact the City of Saint John

Nature of the proposal will relate to expected population growth as it relates to the electoral boundaries. And representation of the city as a primary focus of an MP rather than as smaller portions of two ridings.

PowerPoint presentation made by Bradley Dryer at the public hearing in Rothesay on 22 September 2022

Federal Electoral District Presentation
Council Resolution - Minutes of July 11, 2022

11.1: Proposal to Federal Boundary Commission for Two Federal Members of Parliament (Councillor Ogden)

Moved by Councillor Ogden, seconded by Councillor Stewart:

Resolved that the matter be referred to the Mayor's Special Advisor to further consult with regional stakeholders to create a proposal to be presented to the Federal Boundary Commission so that our region would have two Federal Members of Parliament.

Saint Jean Region
  • Fundy Regional Service Commission
    • Regional community of interest
    • Saint John
    • Rothesay
    • Quispamsis
    • Grand-Bay - Westfield
    • Hampton
    • Saint Martins
    • Rural district – north of Grand Bay – Westfield along the Saint John River
Proposed Electoral Districts

Saint John – Kennebecasis

  • Saint John – East of Saint John river (urban)
  • Rothesay (suburban)
  • Town of Quispamsis (suburban)
  • Surrounding rural areas

Communities of interest

  • Fundy RSC

Saint John – St. Croix

  • Grand Bay- Westfield (suburban)
  • Cambridge-Narrows (rural)
  • Parts of West Saint John (urban)
  • Fredericton Junction (rural)
  • Charlotte County (rural)
  • Saint Stephen
  • Saint Andrews
  • Communities of interest
  • Geographically challenging
  • This could dilute representation
  • The Saint John region is currently represented by two electoral districts
    • Saint John – Rothesay
    • Fundy Royal
  • Proposed new districts maintain representation of the region by two districts
    • Saint John St. Croix divides Urban interests of Saint John residents with rural interests, creates geographic challenges and could dilute representation of West Saint John residents
  • Continue with two electoral districts in the Saint John Region
  • Re-drawing electoral district lines for better community of interest and geographic fit
    • Consider City of Saint John as a whole falling into one district
    • Consider all communities in the Fundy RSC
      • Town of Hampton
      • Town of Saint Martins

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