Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 46 (23 August 2022) comments and feedback

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Linda Nason

My name is Linda Nason and I am a life-long resident of McAdam. My family has deep roots in the village that span back generations. I am seeking the opportunity to present at the upcoming hearing in Saint Andrews on September 27. I want to highlight legitimate concerns surrounding the proposed federal redistribution of New Brunswick Southwest now being described as Saint John-Saint Croix.

Document delivered at the public hearing in Saint Andrews on 27 September 2022

Linda R. Nason

5 September 5 2022

Dear Commission,

My name is Linda Nason, and I am a lifelong resident of McAdam, New Brunswick. My family has deep roots that go back many generations that weave through the Village of McAdam and Charlotte County. I know many of the residents in McAdam and our surrounding areas personally because I grew up with them or taught them while I was a teacher and then the principal of McAdam Elementary. My comments to you reflect what I have heard from my friends, family, and neighbours since we were notified that our homes would possibly be under the blanket of Tobique and not Charlotte County in Southwest New Brunswick.

Historically, residents from McAdam travelled to Charlotte County by train to St. Stephen and Saint Andrews as it was a main travel route of Canada Pacific Rail. Strong community bonds were developed between us that remain to this day. Many McAdam residents still regularly travel to Charlotte County, most often St. Stephen, as it is the closest point of access to goods and services, their employment and the homes of our friends and family.

We predominately choose St. Stephen because the land route is a quiet and well-maintained highway. St. Stephen also provides essential services for residents of McAdam such as Service New Brunswick, Provincial Land Registry Office, Charlotte County Hospital with Emergency Department services and admission rights, Dialysis Unit, Oncology, Mammography and Ophthalmology care. This is to say that our closeness to Charlotte County is a part of our day-to-day lives.

I want to also add that the offices of our MLA for St. Croix and the MP for New Brunswick Southwest are both located in St. Stephen, conveniently next to Service New Brunswick. It is an asset to have easy access to both levels of government for in-person appointments when you are looking for a job, government assisted benefits, citizenship and immigration, Service Canada, CPP or OAS, Canada Revenue Agency, Veterans Affairs, Employment Insurance and denied applications. This is especially important for seniors in McAdam who need to have person to person contact and access to these offices because it eliminates the issues of automated voice mailboxes, being put on hold and dealing with hearing impairment from phone conversations, etc. So much can be accomplished in-person because it relieves the stress of technology for those of us trying to access information or assistance.

On a more personal note, I have always enjoyed travelling throughout Charlotte County. I take advantage of all it has to offer— businesses, recreation, scenery and strong community bonds with family, friends, business, and health care. Many of my relatives live throughout Charlotte County and we attend meetings and functions across Charlotte County because the different communities that compose Southwest New Brunswick are interconnected. Whether you live in McAdam, St. George, Blacks Harbour, etc. you know that you have a shared bond with one another.

Strong communities evolve when residents are engaged in and identify with their neighbours. Our only local newspaper, Saint Croix Courier, plays a key role to maintain this bond because it covers stories from across Charlotte County and McAdam. The Saint Croix Courier offers us an opportunity for input, a two-way communication between the paper and its readers like me. I do not see this happening if we were under the blanket of Tobique.

I know that McAdam has always worked diligently to bolster its bond with Charlotte County for generations and it is my recommendation that we remain in Southwest New Brunswick. Keeping our homes within Southwest New Brunswick would allow this bond to grow for another generation.

In closing, the benefits for the residents to remain where we are outweighs the proposed change. I thank you for the opportunity to deliver my remarks in writing.

Yours truly,

Linda R. Nason Principal (Retired) McAdam Elementary School

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