Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 4 (6 March 2022) comments and feedback

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The documents below are posted in the official language in which they were received.

Don Ferguson

Subject: Tobique-Mactaquac Riding

Dear Honourable Justices Lavigne, Grondin and Riordon:

First I would like to congratulate you for your appointment to the Commission AND especially to thank you for agreeing to participate in this important work. We are very fortunate in Canada that we have a non-partisan approach to reviewing electoral boundaries. And we need people like you who are prepared to step in when required.

I reside in the Brookside West neighbourhood of Fredericton which puts me about 2 kilometers from the BrooksideMall and 3 kilometers from the populous urban neighbourhood off Douglas Avenue. Our neighbourhood is growing very fast with a lot of young urban families moving in the area. Everyone works in Fredericton and shops in Fredericton the children attend Fredericton schools.

Yet I am by less than a kilometer (I believe) lumped in the largely, if not completely, rural riding of Tobique-Mactaquac.

I must admit that this seems illogical to me as my community of interestis definitely aligned with Fredericton and not the rural areas such as Brighton, or Millville or Maplehurst, etc. I can only imagine that the reason for this is the 25-33% deviation from your expected voter populations.

And please do not misunderstand me, I am not dismissingrural voters at all. Their concerns are as equally important as mine. But I cannot imagine how our MP would even be interested in our issues when we are at the edge of his riding and with 99% or more of his riding being so rural.

I would respectfully ask that you consider moving the boundary a few kilometers north if this was possible and allow us to be part of our community of interest.

Thank you for giving me a voice in this important process. And again, thank you for doing this important work.


Don Ferguson

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