Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Beauséjour Report

Consists of:

  1. that part of the County of Kent comprising:
    1. the towns of Bouctouche and Richibucto;
    2. the villages of Rexton, Saint-Antoine and Saint-Louis de Kent;
    3. the parishes of Dundas, Richibucto, Saint-Charles, Saint-Louis, Saint Mary, Saint-Paul and Wellington;
    4. the Rural Community of Cocagne;
    5. Buctouche Indian Reserve No. 16 and Indian Island Indian Reserve No. 28; and
  2. the County of Westmorland, excepting:
    1. the City of Moncton;
    2. that part of the City of Dieppe described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Dieppe Boulevard; thence southerly along said boulevard to Champlain Street; thence westerly along said street to Pascal Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to Gauvin Road; thence westerly along said road to Thomas Street; thence generally southerly along said street and Centrale Street to Melanson Road; thence westerly along said road and its production to the westerly limit of said city; thence northwesterly and easterly along the limits of said city to the point of commencement;
    3. the villages of Petitcodiac and Salisbury;
    4. the Parish of Salisbury;
    5. that part of the Parish of Moncton lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said parish and Highway 126; thence generally southeasterly along said highway to Homestead Road; thence northeasterly along said road to the westerly limit of the City of Moncton;
    6. Soegao Indian Reserve No. 35.