Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 20 comments and feedback

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Cathie Macdonald

Please see attached the submission of the Deer Park Residents Group submission.

Thank you.

Cathie Macdonald, President

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

Re: Issues with proposed boundaries new St. Clair Mount Pleasant district

The Deer Park Residents Group represents residents in the area centering on Yonge and St. Clair. We request that the southern boundary east of Avenue Road be the CPR tracks, not as shown as St. Clair eastward. We propose that the south boundary be the CPR tracks or, the Escarpment. We also request that, in conjunction with the Leaside Residents Association that the east boundary be Bayview Avenue, not Laird Avenue.

Given the wide variation of population numbers for the proposed City of Toronto districts, the changes resulting from our recommendations are acceptable for the St. Clair Mount Pleasant District as well as for the impacts on the University Rosedale and Don Valley West Districts.

The advertised proposal does not comply with the stated aims of the Commission re consideration of “historic patterns, geographic size and communities of interest or identity”. Our proposal does.

1. Historic patterns

Our Yonge St. Clair community has always been in one district. The proposal divides it in two at St. Clair. The south boundary of the district has been the CPR tracks or the escarpment. We note two other changes created by the proposed St. Clair Mount Pleasant district unnecessarily disrupt historic patterns for Moore Park and Leaside areas. The latter is appropriately with Don Valley West. The east boundary should remain Bayview.

2. Geographic size

Our recommendations for changes to the proposed St. Clair Mount Pleasant district will result in an area that is similar in geographic to many others in Toronto. Deer Park Residents Group, PO Box # 69013, St. Clair P.O., Toronto, ON M4T 3A1 info@deerparkresidents.ca

3. Communities of interest or identity

The long time Deer Park community centering on Yonge and Yonge St. Clair is split in two by the proposed changes. We also see that the Moore Park community and Leaside communities are also split as well and should remain together. The communities between the CPR tracks and the escarpment, Cottingham and Summerhill are sometimes included in the district to the north or south. The east boundary of St. Clair Mount Pleasant should therefore remain should remain at Bayview Avenue.

The Deer Park Residents Group therefore strongly recommends that the proposed St.Clair Avenue section of the south boundary of the new St. Clair Mount Pleasant District be replaced by the CPR tracks or the Escarpment. We also support the submission of the Leaside Residents Association that the Leaside area east of Bayview remain in the Don Valley West District.

Yours sincerely,

Cathie Macdonald
President, Deer Park Residents Group Inc.
PO Box #69013
St. Clair P.O.
Toronto, ON
M4T 3A1

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