Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 3 comments and feedback

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Anne Lancashire

I live in a small area of Toronto which is a triangular bit at the top currently of Etobicoke Lakeshore riding. This triangular bit, bordered by the Humber River on the east, Bloor St. to the south, and Dundas W. St. to the north (Dundas then runs down and meets Bloor on the west), seems to be handy for various redistribution bodies to pick up and put down wherever they like, in various redistributions. We used to be in Etobicoke Centre (as of 1971; I don't know where we were before that, when I moved here).

Then we were moved into Etobicoke Lakeshore. Now it is proposed to move us yet again, this time into Humber.

I am really tired of being moved around! We establish contacts with our MP's and MPP's offices; we may work for a riding association; we may donate to a specific candidate's campaign and/or help to campaign for them; we may actually get to know our MP or MPP. And then we are moved and have to start all over again.

Please start moving around other pieces of territory in the area of Etobicoke Centre, Etobicoke Lakeshore, Humber, etc., and stop always moving our one area! Leave us in Etobicoke Lakeshore now.

Anne Lancashire

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