Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 16 comments and feedback

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Kevin and Jennifer Flegel

We wish to voice our concerns relative to the subject proposal.

As residents of the Tyandaga community, we believe our inclusion into this new riding will disenfranchise us from the majority of the City of Burlington's population. This will especially be the case for our grand-daughter's school which will be located in another proposed riding; namely, Burlington Lakeshore.

When we looked at the proposed map and realized that it is only a very small area of Burlington; that is, the neighbourhoods of Brant Hills and Tyandaga, it made very little sense to us given the common interests these neighbourhoods share with Clarksdale, Mountainside and Aldershot. For Brant Hills and Tyandaga, our interests would have to be represented by an M.P. who would also have to represent rural neighbourhoods to our north and east as well as the City of Milton with whom we have less resources in common.

We do not believe that the proposed redistribution is in our neighbourhood's interests and request reconsideration for inclusion in the Burlington Lakeshore riding.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Kevin and Jennifer Flegel

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