Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 18 comments and feedback

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Diane E. Trollope

It amazes me that we can in this day and age drop any seats in any electoral district. Reducing seats in the House of Commons lessens Ontario and Canada's Democracy.

We are a Democracy! Anything that takes away any bit of that is both dangerous and less than Canadian.

Those Opposing Democracy are strangers to becoming fully human and making life for all of us basically good with the ability to grow and be well. Yet we all born with an everlasting Spirit. We will meet our Creator, Pure Love, face to face one day. All will be asked how we treated others. The use of fear is primitive.

Please do not side with altering voting systems unless you are going to make each and every vote count in the final count.

Amazingly profits are better when operating for all of us. They should try it. Always People over profit.. Always people first in health care. Always people first.

A Democracy gives everyone a chance at life, and finds ways to do that. It does no harm.. Carries no weapons, hidden, or openly. Has no hidden agendas. We are known by how we treat the vulnerable. We fail horribly at that right now.

Intelligence does not mean there is wisdom. Wisdom comes out of Love, not intelligence, not greed, or thinking one is above another. How we treat people tells the world what we are.

Again, please do not side with altering voting systems unless you are going to make each and every vote count in the final count.

The North deserves every Seat it has and maybe even more.

We speak truth for the North & Canadian Democracy and respect Nature and her gifts..

Thank you.


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