Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 63 comments and feedback

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Laura Sfreddo

I would like to voice my concerns in regards to the potential Redistribution of the Federal Riding of Kenora.

First, the in-person opportunities to speak at the public information sessions did not include the community of Dryden and surrounding area (Machin, Vermilion Bay, Wabigoon, etc). The in-person sessions were held 130kms west of Dryden in Kenora and 100kms north of Dryden in Sioux Lookout. The evening sessions was not conducive to night time driving. Highway 17 between Vermilion Bay and Kenora is known as one of the most dangerous portions of Highway 17 and that is in daylight hours! Add that we deal with the problem wildlife (deer, moose, wolves) on the highway doesn't make it viable for people to travel to an evening session. This is just an example of distances between communities and driving hazards and why I did not attend either session in person. I hope the Commission really understands the geographic area and distances that the proposed boundary includes.

Second, you cannot compare the Kenora riding to a riding in southern Ontario. We are so different in many ways. Yes, our population is less but our distinct physical geography, economics, industry, recreational pursuits and social issues requires a MP who understands each community in their riding. The distances you are incorporating into the proposed boundary makes it physically impossible for the MP to know the communities, its people, its economics, its industry and its social issues because they would be spending most of their time in a plane or hours in a vehicle traveling the required distances. Nowhere near the comparison of a Toronto area MP where if they chose they could probably walk the outside boundary of their constituency.

Third, based upon the reasons above who would want to put forth their name to run for any political party in the proposed riding? With the distances and differences within the constituency an MP would never be able to represent their riding with purpose or knowledge. Even though we are accustomed to zoom meetings, teleconferencing, etc the general population wants to see their MP active in their community. This isn't possible within the new proposed boundary and therefore I believe the population potentially becomes disinterested or disillusioned with federal politics. The response could very well become why vote? I believe this is not the outcome that Elections Canada, federal political parties or I would want.

Fourth, there are many times that I feel that the political focus is on large cities in Canada. We, who live in rural/smaller communities are to have a voice, but with the proposed new boundary my voice now becomes less because my MP will represent a much larger geographical area. Doesn't really seem fair to me.

I thank you for the opportunity for input and I truly hope that the Commission really evaluates the reasons as to why the Kenora Federal Boundary need to stay as is.


Laura Sfreddo

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