Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 8 comments and feedback

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Danys Racicot

I am submitting these written comments in view of the Ontario commission's proposal as in pertains to Northern Ontario districts. I wish to vehemently object to your submitted proposal regarding the reduction of one electoral district as it will do a great disservice to residents of Northern Ontario and of their sense of fairness. The last boundaries redistribution following the 2011 census acknowledged the inequity in representation to such a large geographic area and the various cultural and linguistic characteristics associated. Therefore the commission back then concluded that Northern Ontario does have unusual characteristics and consequently should have an additional electoral district.

I would like the commission to consider the following items.

  1. That the commission maintain Northern Ontario's 10 districts.
  2. That the commission respect representation in all of Northern Ontario's major urban areas. That includes the integrity of the city of Sault Ste Marie. Algoma District being very large should have their own representation.
  3. In order to maintain fair representation, Northern Ontario needs a strong voice in Parliament. The commission's proposal would gut what was previously accorded in previous redistribution exercises.
  4. Is the commission balancing representation when it allocates a district in far north (Kiitenoong Mushkegowuk) while diminishing effective representation in other areas.
  5. The district of Kenora should be maintained with Rainy River district and not be associated with Thunder Bay.

Please consider these comments in your further deliberations.


Danys Racicot

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