Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Lac-Saint-Jean Final boundaries

  • (Population: 92,031)
  • (Map 2)

Consists of:

  1. the Regional County Municipality of Domaine-du-Roy, including the Mashteuiatsh Indian Reserve;
  2. the Regional County Municipality of Maria-Chapdelaine with the exception of: the municipalities of Saint-Eugène-D'Argentenay and Saint-Stanislas; the Parish Municipality of Saint-Augustin; the Village of Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc; the unorganized territory of PassesDangereuses; and
  3. that part of the Regional County Municipality of Lac-Saint-Jean-Est comprising: the cities of Alma, Desbiens and Métabetchouan—Lac-à-la-Croix; the municipalities of Saint-Gédéon, SaintHenri-de-Taillon and Sainte-Monique; the unorganized territories of Belle-Rivière, Lac-Achouakan and Lac-Moncouche.