Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 1 (31 August 2022) comments and feedback

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The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Wa'tkwanonhwerá:ton | Greetings,

While we do not participate in the Federal Elections, we recognize the efforts towards reconciliation and appreciate the recognition of our Nation in adding Atateken to the name La Prairie. We welcome changes such as these that demonstrate a step forward towards the acknowledgment of our Nation and the presence of Kahnawà:ke. In the spirit of peace and friendship, it is important that Indigenous Nations are being reflected throughout different facets of everyday lives.

Niá:wen | Thank you

On behalf of the office of the council of chiefs
mohawk council of kahnawà:ke

Ietsénhaienhs Teiotsistohkwathe

(Original signed by)

Chief Jessica Lazare

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