Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Compton—Stanstead Report

Consists of:

  1. the regional county municipality of Coaticook;
  2. that part of the Regional County Municipality of Le Haut-Saint-François, excluding the City of Scotstown, the Municipality of Weedon and the Township Municipality of Lingwick;
  3. that part of the Regional County Municipality of Le Val-Saint-François comprising the Municipality of Stoke;
  4. that part of the Regional County Municipality of Memphrémagog comprising the City of Stanstead; the village municipalities of Ayer's Cliff and North Hatley; the municipalities of Hatley, Ogden and Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley; the township municipalities of Hatley and Stanstead; and
  5. that part of the City of Sherbrooke comprising the boroughs of Brompton–Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville, Lennoxville and that part of the borough of Les Nations lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of said borough and Belvédère Street South; thence northerly along said street to a point at latitude 45°22'54"N and longitude 71°53'38"W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the easterly limit of the borough of Les Nations.