Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Battlefords—Lloydminster—Meadow Lake Final boundaries

  • (Population: 83,248)
  • (Map 1)

Consists of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan described as follows:

  1. commencing at the intersection of the west boundary of said province with the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622; thence generally easterly along the northerly limit of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Meadow Lake No. 588; thence generally easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood No. 496; thence easterly, generally southerly and generally westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said rural municipality to the easterly boundary of Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head Lean Man TLE Indian Reserve No. 1 (east boundary of Sec 1 Tp 49 R 12 W 3); thence northerly, westerly, southerly and southeasterly along the easterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of said reserve to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood No. 496; thence westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Round Hill No. 467; thence generally southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of said rural municipality to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of North Battleford No. 437; thence southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Mayfield No. 406; thence easterly along said limit to the unnamed road near the east boundary of Sec 36 Tp 42 R 14 W 3; thence southerly along said road to its production to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally westerly along said river to the east boundary of Sec 31 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence south along said boundary and along the east boundary of secs 30, 19 and 18 Tp 41 R 14 W 3 to the northerly boundary of Red Pheasant Indian Reserve No. 108; thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the east boundary of Sec 5 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence south along said boundary and along the east boundary of secs 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5 Tp 40 R 14 W 3 and secs 32, 29 and 20 Tp 39 R 14 W 3 to the south boundary of Sec 20 Tp 39 R 14 W 3; thence west along said boundary and the south boundary of Sec 19 Tp 39 R 14 W 3 to Highway 4; thence generally westerly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377; thence northerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Buffalo No. 409; thence westerly along the limit of said rural municipality and along the southerly limits of the rural municipalities of Round Valley No. 410 and Senlac No. 411 to the west boundary of said province; thence north along said boundary to the point of commencement;
  2. the Town of Wilkie;
  3. the resort villages of Chitek Lake, Echo Bay and Big Shell; and
  4. Chitek Lake Indian Reserve No. 191.