Rules for Public Hearings – Alberta
The Commission makes the following rules for its proposed public hearings. Rules for making representations are made under the authority of sections 18 and 19 of the Act.
These rules may be cited as The Rules of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Alberta, 2022–2023
(hereinafter, the Rules
- In the Rules:
means the advertisement required by subsection 19(2) of the ActCommission
means the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Alberta, established by proclamation on November 1, 2021Commission Secretary
means the person designated as such by the Commissionnotice in writing
means a notice of intention to make a representation, submitted in writing to the Commission Secretary within the time limit established by subsection 19(5) of the Actmap
means the map published with the advertisement showing the proposed division of the province into electoral districtsrepresentation
means a representation made in accordance with section 19 of the Act by an interested person as to the division of the province into electoral districtssitting
means a sitting held for the hearing of representations in accordance with section 19 of the Act
- A person giving notice in writing shall name the proposed electoral district or electoral districts that are to be the subject of their representation.
- For the purpose of interpreting subsection 19(5) of the Act, notice in writing shall be considered to have been given when it is mailed, and the postmark on the envelope containing the notice in writing shall be accepted as proof of the date of its mailing.
- For the purpose of interpreting subsection 19(5) of the Act, notice in writing shall be considered to have been given where mailed electronically and received by the Commission Secretary within the required time.
- In accordance with subsection 19(5) of the Act, no representation shall be heard by the Commission at any sittings unless the notice in writing is given to the Commission on or before August 15, 2022, stating the name and address of the person who seeks to make the representation, and indicating concisely the nature of the representation and the interest of the person, unless the Commission decides otherwise in accordance with subsection 19(6) of the Act.
- A person shall state in their notice in writing at which of the advertised sitting locations such person wishes to appear to make their representation.
- Where the sender of a notice in writing indicates that their representation may not be made public, the Commission shall not consider the representation contained in the notice in writing.
- If no notice in writing is received for a sitting, the Commission may cancel the sitting.
- In the event of a postponement or cancellation of a sitting, the Commission shall give public notice of such postponement or cancellation on local radio stations, and the Commission Secretary shall notify any person who has given notice in writing and has not been heard.
- If a quorum of commissioners cannot be present at a sitting, the Commission may allow the hearing of representations by one member of the Commission pursuant to section 18 of the Act or may postpone the sitting to a later date.
- Only one person shall be heard in the presentation of any single representation, including a representation on behalf of an association or group, unless the Commission at its discretion decides otherwise.
- A person giving notice in writing to make a representation shall indicate the official language in which the representation will be made.
- A person requiring special assistance to make their oral representation at a sitting shall so indicate in their notice in writing to the Commission Secretary to allow the Commission time to arrange accommodations, as needed.
- A time limit of 10 minutes per representation will be the general rule.
- The time limit of 10 minutes includes the setting up and taking down of any audiovisual equipment. Such equipment is the responsibility of the person making the representation.
- If it appears at a sitting that the Commission cannot complete the hearing of representations within the allotted time, the Commission may adjourn the sitting to a later date at the same or another location, having regard to the convenience of those whose representations have not yet been heard.
- Sittings will be conducted in compliance with all applicable public health regulations of national, provincial and local authorities.
Virtual Sittings
The Commission may choose to hold one or more virtual sittings should it receive, on or before August 15, 2022, sufficient public interest to make a representation by means of a virtual sitting. The Rules will apply to any and all virtual sittings, as applicable.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta, this 30th day of May, 2022.
The Honourable Justice J.D. Bruce McDonald Chair Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Alberta