Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 10 (25 March 2022) comments and feedback

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The documents below are posted in the official language in which they were received.

Dawn Arnhold, Mayor of Moncton / Mairesse de Moncton

Subject: City of Moncton Initial Comments to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for NB

Dear Hon. Justice Lavigne,

In reaction to your invitation to submit comments and suggestions regarding the 2022 Redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts, the City of Moncton would like to provide the Commission with its preferred option for the eventual redrawing of the boundaries of the Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe riding.

It is understood that, according to the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, voter parity must be maintained between the 10 electoral districts and that the provincial quota must not be departed from by more or less than 25% except in circumstances viewed by the Commission as being extraordinary. It is also understood that considerable changes to the boundaries of the Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe boundary are inevitable to maintain this said quota due to Moncton' sever-increasing population which currently sits at 79,470 (2021 Census).

Previous Commissions have drawn our federal electoral district boundaries with a goal of respecting the community of interest and identity that is presented in the greater Moncton area. Although the merit of this approach is undeniable, our desire to continue to collaborate and share with our regional partners to deliver the best possible services to our combined citizens will continue regardless of the boundaries chosen. In addition, our population now sits just above the Commission's desired target population per riding and is predicted to continue to increase at the same pace oyer the next ten years. Understanding that this population growth may also be cause for redistribution of the Moncton boundary in future commission exercises and the challenges unique to our urban environment, the City of Moncton's preferred option is a Moncton riding that coincides with our City's current municipal boundaries as per the resolution of Council of March 21st, 2022.In closing, we look forward to receiving an invitation to the public hearings in order to provide our input and voice ours concerns in reaction to the Commission's proposal.

Dawn Arnold,


C: City Council
Marc Landry, City Manger
Marc Comeau, Intergovernmental Affairs, Corporate Advisor

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