York—Durham – Final boundaries
- (Population: 116,560)
- (Maps 3 and 4)
Consists of
- the Town of Georgina;
- that part of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Bethesda Road and the easterly limit of said town; thence northwesterly, southwesterly, generally southerly and generally northeasterly along the easterly, northerly, westerly and southerly limits of said town to Highway 48; thence northerly along said highway to Bethesda Road; thence easterly along said road to Ninth Line; thence northerly along Ninth Line to Bethesda Road; thence easterly along said road to the point of commencement;
- the townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge; and
- the Indian reserves of Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation and Mississaugas of Scugog Island.