Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

New Federal Electoral Map for Ontario

London, Thursday, July 20, 2023 – The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario has concluded its work of redrawing the province's federal electoral map.

Established in November 2021, this independent commission worked to set boundaries so that the populations of the electoral districts are as even as reasonably possible, while also taking into account communities of interest or identity, historical patterns and geographic size in sparsely populated regions. The Commission also proposed names for each electoral district, as required by the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. E-3.

After considering the views of the public and objections by members of the House of Commons, the Commission submitted its final report to the Chief Electoral Officer for transmission to the Speaker of the House. The report was tabled in the House of Commons yesterday.

"In concluding this federal electoral district redistribution for the province of Ontario, the Commission wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the many members of the public who took part in this undertaking that is such an important part of Canada's democratic process," said the Honourable Justice Lynne C. Leitch, Chair of the Commission.

The Chief Electoral Officer will use the electoral boundaries described in this report in drafting the representation order, which should become official in September 2023. The new electoral map will be used in the first general election called at least seven months thereafter.

To consult the report and for more information on the next steps in the redistribution process, visit www.redistribution2022.ca.


Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

Website redistribution2022.ca

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