Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 27 comments and feedback

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Angela Mearns

I live in Orillia currently located in Simcoe North, ON & have recently discovered there is a plan to change the boundaries of Simcoe North & change the name to Penetanguishine- Couchiching. A number of questions come to mind as follows:

  1. Why has this been kept quiet. A neighbour discovered this plan by accident & asked others in the neighbourhood if we knew & no one did. Secrecy promotes suspicion.
  2. What are the reasons for this change? I would appreciate hearing about the Pros & Cons.
  3. What are the affects on;
    • population growth
    • taxation
    • housing issues
    • overall economy
    • the future of Orillia specifically & our county in general

I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience & will share your response with neighbours.

Thank you

Angela Mearns

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