Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 3 comments and feedback

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Sandy Cornell

I have a teachable moment to share with you. I was a contestant to be become the Liberal candidate for the Simcoe North Liberal riding and I would like to share with you what I learned.

I live in Tiny On which is adjacent to Midland and Penetanguishene ....approx 25k people. The nomination meeting was delayed so much so that when the nomination meeting was finally held ...it was on the first warm sunny day in July that summer. I had approx 200 plus "supporter" not attend because they were at their cottages, on their boats, attending planned events ....In our area supporters are focused on their summer water activities ... political commitments are far down the list of priorities. The demographics in Orillia are very different and so the chance of ever having a representative from the Midland area under these circumstances is a challenge.

I suggest that the new electoral map include communist that are adjacent to Georgian Bay . Midland, Tiny, Penetanguishene , Wasaga Beach , Collingwood ... be one including adjacent communities. Their demographic needs are different in these communities when compared to a large urban Centre like Orillia. I also recommend holding any nomination meeting prior to July 1st. if the competition is to be fair. This is not sour grapes... I believe what was meant to be came to be. I do feel it important to share my experience as a teachable moment. The many Liberal supporters in this area feel deflated because they do not feel they have a voice that is reflective of their communities needs. The imbalance in the electoral map and the strength of the Conservative party in this area over many years has left Liberals to be silent. I hope you will take my recommendation under serious consideration.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

With gratitude,

Sandy Cornell

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