Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 38 comments and feedback

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Bren Munro

As a follow-up to my oral submission on Sept. 26th, the new boundaries will help us. (over 130K residents and 120K voters.)

A more inclusive name would be "South Georgian Bay", (instead of "Collingwood- Blue Mountains").

Also, the inclusion of the Township of Mulmur, Dufferin- Caledon with its 3,500 residents isn't really necessary. Our population here in South Georgian Bay is growing quickly... One new Collingwood subdivision on Poplar Sideroad is developing 2200 new homes to be completed in 2-3 years. And that subdivision is one of many here at the developing/ building stage.

On another note, with more than 1.4 million new residents in Ontario over the last 10 years, how does that equate to one seat? (In the United Kingdom System, ridings have approx 100K people...67.5 M people/ 650 ridings) We should have at least 10 more seats, not 1.

Thank you for working on this very hard yet important work,


Bren Munro

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