Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 52 comments and feedback

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Karen Govan

September 23, 2022

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

Via email: ON@redecoupage-federalredistribution.ca

Dear Sir/Madam:

In response to the request for comments regarding the proposed electoral boundary redistribution, The Municipality of Grey Highlands (Grey Highlands) strongly opposes the proposal to realign the municipality from the existing electoral boundary of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound to the Collingwood-Blue Mountains electoral district.

While we understand that the proposed electoral district would average out the population in Central Ontario, Grey Highlands feels there is more to consider other than population.

Due to the rural synergies of the area, Grey Highlands has a strong relationship with the upper tier of Grey County and its eight other lower tiers. While the municipality would remain a lower tier of Grey County in the proposed redistribution, we anticipate a loss of momentum for federal and provincial government-supported initiatives at the upper-tier municipal level should the structure be amended.

Grey Highlands is a large expansive area with a population of just over 10,000. It is distinctively rural and currently has similar growth projections as other Grey County municipalities and therefore has the same encounters and challenges.

In recent years, Grey Highlands and Grey County have successfully collaborated in achieving support for a new elementary school, an increase in long-term care beds, and a new hospital for Grey Highlands. Furthermore, Grey Highlands falls within the Grey Bruce Health Service area and has a long-standing reputation for its work in advocating for doctor recruitment. The municipality has recently partnered with Grey County's lower tiers to attract and develop affordable housing for the area. Grey Highlands has already invested significantly in all these partnerships, to switch momentum and start to deal with two ridings and, therefore, two ministers will only complicate the structure, duplicate efforts and increase the required investment of time and capital across the board.

We strongly urge the Commission to reconsider the realignment proposal and allow Grey Highlands to remain under the Bruce-Grey-Owen-Sound electoral boundary.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Govan

Chief Administrative Officer

c.c. Alex Ruff, MP, Bruce-Grey-Owen-Sound

Kim Wingrove, Chief Administrative Officer, Grey County

Grey Highlands Council Members

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