Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 66 comments and feedback

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Alison Gray, Clerk of the Township of Severn

Re: Proposed Name Change for Simcoe North

At its regular September 7, 2022 Council meeting, the Council for the Township of Severn passed the following motion regarding the current redistribution of federal electoral districts.

Motion C2022-062

that the correspondence from Adam Chambers, MP re Redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts be received;

and that the Council for the Township of Severn requests that the name of the riding remain Simcoe North.

Council respectfully requests that the name of our electoral district remain Simcoe North which reflects the area's history, geography and local identity.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at agray@severn.ca or 705-325-2315 x 232.


Alison Gray, BAH, CMO, AOMC

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