Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 110 comments and feedback

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Akilah Dressekie

I recently learned about the proposal from council to redistribute the boundaries in some areas of Scarborough essentially combining them with North York. I was raised in Scarborough, gave birth to my son there and my mother still lives. I am heartbroken and greatly offended that the community where I grew up, Agincourt, would be swept up in this terrible and uninformed proposal. It's disappointing to see that the considerations of residents were not considered.

I urge that council not allow this proposal to succeed. These communities are vital to Scarborough and residents here are proud to live and work in Scarborough. People continue to raise there children here and work with residents to find better solutions that meet their needs.

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in and I am happy to further discuss my thoughts if you are interested.


Akilah Dressekie

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