Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Anthony Iacovino

I am sorry to state in view of the work you have done that this redistribution of the electoral boundaries of Scarborough Agincourt is deeply flawed: including the sparse prior notification of the activities of this commission, the poor method of determining the population in this district, the reasons for the redistribution, and the conclusions.

It seems the way that you have determined the population of this district is to take a multiple of an average. To take an average to determine a population is highly inaccurate. You should have taken a much better method that is far more accurate.

From what I could see of your website, there is no indication as to why this redistribution is needed in the first place. Yes you have authority to make this redistribution, but you have not stated any specific reasons. How does taking a large chunk of the district and giving it to North York with the consequence that Scarborough has one less electoral district help Scarborough? Scarborough gets no benefit from this redistribution. In fact, it gets less representation. There is no justification for this redistribution that I can see.

From the way in which this poorly conceived redistribution is being rammed through I must conclude that the "independent" commission may not at all be independent but rather controlled by some powerful and narrow interests who stand to gain from this redistribution of boundaries.

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to stop this deeply flawed procedure until the residents of this district have the proper time, full information, and opportunity for effective consultation to make their decision.


Anthony Iacovino

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