Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 191 comments and feedback

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Surinder Singh
Senior East Indian Club

My family and I have resided in the Milliken community for many years.

Having always been involved in the community, I'm the current President of the Senior East Indian Club which is group for East Indian seniors meeting for weekly activities at the Milliken Community Recreation Centre. Use it or lose it, as they say, so it's important for us seniors to stay active.

I'd like to point out that the new proposed boundary of McCowan Road for the new Scarborough Northwest riding will break up the Milliken community. I live in Milliken on Alton Towers Circle on the west side of McCowan - but Milliken's community centre and public park are on the east side of McCowan. You see, breaking up Milliken causes many problems.

If I live in Milliken on the west-side of McCowan, but I have an issue with Milliken Park on the east-side of McCowan, which Councillor do I phone? Will the east-side Councillor talk to me if I am a west-side constituent?

If I live in Milliken on the west-side of McCowan, but I want to apply for federal government funds for my organization which runs activities at Milliken Community Recreation Centre on the east-side of McCowan, which MP office do I e-mail? Will the east-side MP assist me if I am a west-side resident?

I can give you many more examples, but I think you get the point.

Milliken is one community of people with a common interest in the community's infrastructure and public spaces like Milliken Park and the Milliken Community Recreation Centre. Breaking up Milliken will only cause frustration especially for the many seniors and immigrants that comprise our demographics.

The Senior East Indian Club would respectfully request that you keep the Milliken community united in the Scarborough North riding.

We would simultaneously inform you that the Scarborough North riding is our cherished home and we enjoy being part of it and do not wish it to be shifted or renamed to Scarborough Northwest.

Many people saying - if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Yours truly,

Surinder Singh - PresidentSenior East Indian Club

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