Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Sandy Gajewski

I recently heard about the proposed reduction of Toronto electoral districts from 25 to 24. Scarborough would go from 6 to 5, as well as losing a large piece of Scarborough to North York. I have to say I am beyond outraged at this latest punch in the gut to Scarborough. I have lived in Scarborough for the past 68 years so I feel qualified to comment on this proposal.

Scarborough was a vibrant well run city for many years until the province forced amalgamation on us. As part of Toronto, our schools, parks and other services have been underfunded and deteriorated. Then the province decided that we needed half the number of city councilors so our representation at a municipal level is spread very thin. Now we are being told we should lose a federal seat, and the two Scarborough wards that are being mashed together are among the highest population density in the country. The population in these wards is growing exponentially with new high density housing going in on every corner and on existing mall properties.

Reducing our federal and potentially provincial representation means Scarborough has lost out at every level of government.

I fully support the Scarborough Community Renewal Organization proposal to retain 6 Scarborough ridings as well as the existing boundaries. This would help retain our diverse culture and ensure that our rapidly growing population has their fair share of government representation

Sandy Gajewski

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