Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 225 comments and feedback

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Peter Thachuk

As a lifelong resident of Ontario I find it particularly galling that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission is even considering reducing the number of ridings in Scarborough.

To put things in perspective: Scarborough has a population north of 630,000 and growing. If Scarborough ceded from Toronto it would slot in as the 10th largest city in Canada, just below Brampton at #9 (656,480) and Vancouver at #8 (662,248).

The intent to increase the number of ridings, to better represent all voices more equitably in our country, initially appeared to be honourable until I was made to understand that this would be at the cost of reducing representation for Scarborough.

Currently, the southern part of Scarborough, on and in the vicinity of Kingston Rd. has been the subject of numerous development applications that when constructed will increase our current population substantially. This proposal to reduce our representation, by reducing the number of our ridings ignores the reality of many of our currently existing neighbourhoods by cutting through the heart of many of them.

Scarborough deserves more consideration.


Peter Thachuk

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