Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Kelly Masci

I'm writing to express my concerns about reducing the number of ridings in Scarborough, Ontario. Simply put, this is a bad idea. I've been a resident of Scarborough my whole life - a daughter of immigrants. I've seen how Scarborough often gets the short end of the stick and gets demonized in the press as a bad, dangerous place to live. In the last 10 years, I've seen all levels of governments treat Scarborough as an afterthought. Political decisions don't take into account the fabric of the community. There's no effort to create an environment where people want to live. Businesses are being replaced by high-rise apartments and condos with, no additional services and transit being added. Reducing the numbers of ridings will further ensure that the residents of Scarborough don't have a voice.

As you may know, the number of municipal ridings in Toronto was reduced by 1/2 a few years ago. This had a terrible effect on the city and Scarborough in particular. We don't have enough people looking out for our personal interests. Instead, developers are coming in and taking over. WE don't need fewer ridings. We need adequate representation in parliament to ensure our unique neighborhood has a voice.

In summary:

  1. Scarborough should retain six ridings with their current boundaries unchanged.
  2. Scarborough's western border should remain along Victoria Park, from the lake to Steeles, as it has been since the inception of Scarborough.

Reasons for this include;

  1. The Commission's recommendations will reduce Scarborough's representation at all three levels of government.
  2. Fairness. Toronto's population grows, but we lose a seat to areas that are growing even faster, while other parts of Ontario and Canada that aren't growing have their representation protected.
  3. Scarborough is a community of interest with integrated public services and distinctive neighbourhoods, which shouldn't be broken up.
  4. Scarborough's population is consistently undercounted due to residents who are less likely to complete a census form, especially during a pandemic: newcomers with English language limitations, those living in precarious housing, refugee claimants, international students, and temporary foreign workers. Researchers estimate the undercount to be 50,000 residents.
  5. Equity for our diverse communities.
  6. More housing in the development pipeline, which will increase Scarborough's population even more.
  7. Local businesses have historical connections to our community.


Kelly Masci

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