Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 280 comments and feedback

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Jordan Ray

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the redistribution process by sending you my input on the commission's proposal for Etobicoke Centre.

I have worked and volunteered as an advocate for better community services and more effective government in Etobicoke since 2016. In those six years, I have come to understand the concerns of people in the central and southern Etobicoke community. I have also seen the community change, and I have seen it grow.

That growth is precisely the reason I believe the commission has sensibly proposed new boundaries for Etobicoke Centre, particularly if we take into account the principles of equal representation by population.

Etobicoke's population has risen by over 28,000 people since the last time the commission considered redistribution. According to 2021 census data, Etobicoke now has over 376,000 residents.

That growth, of course, impacts equal representation. Right now, Etobicoke has 3 Members of Parliament in the House of Commons.

But because of the population growth in the community, Etobicoke deserves and requires a 4th MP representing the community.

In its proposal, the commission is recommending just that, a 4th Etobicoke MP. I believe a 4th Etobicoke MP will ensure that every the voice of Etobian counts the same as voters in Mississauga, Oshawa, London, Edmonton, Victoria, and every other Canadian represented in the House of Commons.

And that is good for our community and for democracy.


Jordan Ray

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