Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 291 comments and feedback

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Jane Garthson

I am writing to strongly object to the absolutely meaningless proposed name of "York Centre" for my riding. The area is part of the old city of North York, but is not part of York Region or the old city/borough of York. If I heard the name in isolation, I would think it was maybe in Aurora, but would never imagine it within the City of Toronto. North York Centre or Willowdale West would be preferable, and there may be other good names I haven't thought of. But not, never, York Centre.

Nor can I imagine why the prosaic name of Bayview-Finch would be an improvement over Willowdale East, which is how that area is already referred to by many. Please stop trying to wipe the strong community of Willowdale off your maps.

Thank you.

Jane Garthson

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