Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 328 comments and feedback

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Stanley Kwan
Fu Hui Education Foundation

I am writing to voice my strong opposition of your recommendation of cutting one riding in Scarborough, from 6 to 5 for the following reasons:

  • I was one of the founders of the Yee Hong Community Foundation from the beginning when the entity was established in 1987 to 2000. I led several capital campaigns to build the four geriatric centres. We started in Scarborough and we realized the need for the residents to work very closely with the Federal government.
  • Then between 2003 to 2007, I was the Chair of the Scarborough Hospital Foundation and led a capital campaign to build the new facility at the General campus for over $60 mm. I fully appreciate the need for the residents to get assistance from the government.
  • Ten years ago, I also became the Honorary Chair of the capital campaign of Carefirst Senior and Community Association to build their one-stop multiservice centre for close to $15 mm. Again, I witnessed the tremendous need for the residents to voice their views to the government.

As a resident of Scarborough for many years, and through my community work as described above, I am fully aware of the demographic of Scarborough and that it is one of the most important communities for new immigrants to settle in Canada.

We have seen the Canadian government's new policies to attract new immigrants to Canada. We anticipate a large number of new immigrants settling down in Scarborough in the next few years.

Many marginalized Scarborough residents desperately need and deserve effective representation. Cutting one riding equals cutting 16.67% of services and representation in a region which required the most assistance. Scarborough residents will suffer for 10 years after the next federal election. Therefore it is extremely important to maintain 6 Scarborough ridings to properly serve our residents' need.

We sincerely hope that you will carefully consider our plea of keeping 6 ridings in Scarborough..

Stanley Kwan, FCPA, FCA, MBA
Fu Hui Education Foundation
Richmond Hill, ON XXX XXX

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