Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 337 comments and feedback

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Roman Botiuk


york south weston, etobicoke centre and the proposed new elelctroal district of humber

re submissions regadring boundary changes and relating to york south weston, etobicoke centre and the proposed new elelctroal district of humber

roman botiuk ba llb
toronto, on xxx xxx
tel xxxxxx fax xxxxxx
email xxxxxx
lso: xxxxxx
(work address)

etobicoke, on
xxx xxx
cell xxxxxx
(home address)

Note that comments on the Petition form Change.org include the following:

  1. "I grew up on the Weston side of the river and although we didn't have everything the people in Etobicoke had we were nonetheless happy"...
  2. "I was born and raised in Weston Ontario (York Township /York county and I completely agree with this petition. York South Weston should remain as it now is." ....
  3. "I want to remain in Etobicoke-Centre."....
  4. "Democracy is fragile and being increasingly challenged. Respectful representation adds to quality of life."
  5. "Keep these 2 communities separate as they have different demographics."
  6. "Ridings should be grouped by historical community interests. and not by arbitrary lines on a map"

To view the rest of this comment, please contact ADMIN-REDECOUPAGE_ADMIN-REDISTRIBUTION@elections.ca.

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