Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 341 comments and feedback

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Raymond Cho
MPP for Scarborough North

MPP Cho made his deputation last night at the virtual hearing.

Please find attached a copy of his deputation for the Commission's record.

Thank you again for making the arrangement. Your assistance was greatly appreciated.


Good evening, everyone.

  • I am Raymond Cho, the current Member of Provincial Parliament for the riding of Scarborough North. I am here tonight also as a long-time Scarborough resident of 40+ years and as the longest-serving elected representative in Scarborough since 1991.
  • My riding, Scarborough North, is one of the fastest-growing ridings in Toronto, Ontario and Canada. With the building of dozens condominium towers and numerous high-density housing projects along the Scarborough subway corridors, Scarborough residents will be under-represented if we lose a riding.
  • The use of the national Census data for the basis of this proposed merger of electoral districts is the use of incomplete data. There is a large number of new immigrants settling in Scarborough who may also be unable to complete the national census survey due to language and other barriers.
  • Toronto is the largest city in Ontario and Canada. We are always taking in more than our fair share of newcomers - and in Scarborough, we have one of the most diverse populations. New Canadians settling in Scarborough are the people who need representation the most – they reach out to their local representatives for assistance.
  • Reducing Scarborough's representation by denying us a seat in the parliament, is denying representation of diverse voices.
  • The provincial government has recently made massive investments in north Scarborough, namely the new Birchmount hospital and two new subways. It is the provincial government's long-term vision taking into consideration the growing needs in north Scarborough.
  • This proposed federal electoral district redistribution, unfortunately has taken a completely different direction by reducing our representation.
  • In short, the proposed redistribution is unfair to Scarborough. It is about representation. Scarborough needs all six seats. Scarborough North deserves one seat – as it has been since 2015 when it was first created.
  • I urge the Commission to listen to the voices of the people of Scarborough and not to move forward with the proposed new boundary changes. Scarborough deserves the current six ridings, six voices – all six, not one less.

Thank you.

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