Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 366 comments and feedback

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Debra L. Allen

to: The Members of the Commission:

Re: Boundary Changes for Scarborough-Agincourt riding

My husband and I live in the federal riding of Scarborough-Agincourt on the east side of Pharmacy, nor of Finch Ave. and south of McNicoll Ave. We purchased our home thirty-nine plus years ago in Scarborough-Agincourt because of strong connections here. My husband's and my family made their homes in Agincourt seventy years ago and fifty-one years ago respectively. Our fathers, both W.W.II veterans and decorated for service overseas, both loved this beautiful community. We did not choose to purchase a home in North York. The federal electoral boundary proposal would change this drastically. There would be new property assessments and tax increases as a result. We, along with many others, would join the riding of Don Valley North, which is in North York. We feel strongly against this happening. The community of Don Valley North is distinctly different from ours.

We are very proud to be "Scarberians". We feel that Scarborough needs a full six seats, giving it the representation it truly deserves. The population is increasing, as we move on from the year 2021 Census, with 27,000 plus more people expected in our area with all the building projects underway.

We also feel tha the proposed riding of Scarborough Northwest and the deletion of Agincourt is simply erasing our history of which we are so proud. The current Scarborough-Agincourt citizens are a close-knit group that have warmly embraced newcomers to our area which has the highest percentage of new Canadians and refugees of all areas in Canada. We are very proud of that. The new immigrants are also very happy to hear that we have an old village name (Agincourt) incorporated into our ride. The boundary on the west side of Scarborough has been Victoria Park Ave., since Confederation. It is historical.

Personally, my husband and I are long-time members of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt, which will celebrate its 175th birthday or anniversary in 2023. Hundreds of congregants of this parish have served the community of Scarborough-Agincourt over those years and we still are eg. Agincourt Community Services Association and the Canadian Centre for Refugees and Immigrants right next door.

On a personal note, there is a street on the east side of Warden Ave., named after my late father and his late brother's family name combined with another gentleman's surname in honour of their strong contributions in community outreach.

Also, my daughter was crowned Miss Petite, District of Scarborough in the Miss Globe Canada Pageant in 2008 and did much charity work in Scarborough-Agincourt. When she walked in the Toronto Beaches Easter Parade during her reign, many Torontonians came up to her afterwards and commented on how she portrayed such a positive image of Scarborough that was so wonderful to see. The thought of removing the name Agincourt shows disregard for the inhabitants of this vibrant area. It is out of our past that we have the present and out of the present that we have a promising future. Scarborough-Agincourt is a large geographic area with a small town feel which is unique. One by one each Scarborough-Agincourt person is making a difference. We do not want a divorce from the rest of our community. We wish to stay united and strong together.

Thank you
(Mrs.) Debra L. Allen

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