Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 382 comments and feedback

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Gord Perks, City Councillor, Ward 4, Parkdale-High Park

Please find attached a letter from Councillor Gord Perks re: Proposed Name Change of Parkdale- High Park to Taiaiako'n—High Park.


Ms. Paula Puddy
Commission Secretary
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario N6E 3T3

Dear Ms. Puddy,

Re: Proposed Name Change of Parkdale- High Park to Taiaiako'n—High Park.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the proposed Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022.

I write to provide comment on the proposed name change of Parkdale- High Park to Taiaiako'n—High Park.

Firstly, a request that the City of Toronto Aboriginal Affairs Committee (AAC) be given the opportunity to advise on any Indigenous name proposed to title the riding. The City of Toronto receives Indigenous focused advice and recommendations through the Aboriginal Affairs Committee (AAC), an advisory body to City Council. I would ask that they be included in this gesture towards the preservation, awareness, and revitalization of Indigenous peoples' history in our community.

Second, I would suggest that Parkdale not be lost in the riding name. There is room to both recognize the Indigenous history of the area while continuing to recognize both High Park and Parkdale as two very important markers in this riding. Parkdale is an area that has historically and continues to be the home of a diverse mix of social classes, from working to middle class with successive waves of immigrants. The community should not be lost in any name change.

A tri-named title could recognize our Indigenous history while continuing to recognize Parkdale as a unique community.

I appreciate the opportunity to make this submission.


Gord Perks
City Councillor, Ward 4, Parkdale-High Park

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