Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 397 comments and feedback

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John Mason
Guildwood Village Community Association


Written Submission to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario Regarding the Scarborough – Guildwood Electoral District and adjacent areas

Prepared by the Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA), September 2022

ShapeKey Points Submitted by the Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA):

  • Both the current and proposed electoral district boundaries of Scarborough-Guildwood are based on a grid running predominately north/south. This grid fails to reflect an existing escarpment, a significant geographic feature, which runs east/west in this part Scarborough. The maps on page 3 provide details as follows:
    • Map 1a: Current Scarborough-Guildwood Electoral District;
    • May 1b: Proposed Scarborough-Guildwood Electoral District;
    • Map 1c: Expanded view of the southwest portion of Scarborough-Guildwood Electoral District. This shows the north/south grid of the current and proposed boundaries. Also shown is the major escarpment, which runs predominantly east/west.
  • This steep and prominent escarpment is the onetime shoreline of a glacial lake. It is a major topographic structure that extends across parts of the Scarborough-Guildwood and Scarborough Southwest Electoral Districts. The escarpment has long affected local residential development, traffic patterns and commerce.
  • The escarpment is a defining feature of the terrain and restricts north-south travel by vehicles and pedestrians. It creates a natural boundary between the Scarborough neighbourhoods located above and below the escarpment.
  • This escarpment also defines the jurisdictions of two adjacent neighbourhood associations. The area below the escarpment is represented by the Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA). The area above the escarpment is represented by the Cliffcrest Scarborough Village South West Residents Association (CSVSWRA). On Page 4:
    • Map 2a compares the boundaries of the CSVSWRA and the GVCA to the existing and proposed boundaries of the local Electoral Districts
    • Map 2b provides the formal description/area of the GVCA's official jurisdiction, established in 1986.
  • The GVCA and CSVSWRA agree that the escarpment determines their common neighbourhood boundaries. Both residential organizations share a common interest in having local Electoral Districts realigned to the geographic features and the existing neighbourhoods in this part of Scarborough. The CSVSWRA's letter of support is included on page 5.
  • Unfortunately, the current and proposed local Electoral District boundaries remain misaligned with local geography and neighbourhoods. As a result, three residential areas – the Dale Avenue Community, Guildcrest and West Sylvan – are separated and isolated from their neighbours. On Page 6:
    • Map 3 identifies and describes the three residential areas affected

To view the rest of this comment, please contact ADMIN-REDECOUPAGE_ADMIN-REDISTRIBUTION@elections.ca.

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