Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 71 comments and feedback

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Muriel Alvares

First of all, I would like to commend you on your ability to promptly respond to our emails, sent any time of the day or night or at the weekend - your commitment to the position is truly appreciated!

I am now appealing to the wisdom and thought process behind the above proposal on the following premises, as succinctly as possible:

2021 Census Data

This Census data, on which the Commission's proposal is based, cannot be accurate as we were in the midst of the COVID pandemic in 2021 and, as far as most of us in Scarborough-Agincourt were concerned, we were not contacted, and most residents in our community would not open their doors to strangers at the door even if attempts were made to do so.

We have a lot of undocumented international students and workers living in rooming houses in our neighbourhood who have not been accounted for and, in addition, here is a surge in highrise apartment/condominium construction in the works to be completed in 2023, if not earlier.

These factors would definitely not support the case for 'population reduction' in the areas to be redistributed!

Historical Perspective

Scarborough-Agincourt, as you may know, has historical significance, dating back to the 19th Century, and there is no way that consideration should be given to removing this Community of Identity from the Map of Scarborough – we proudly identify ourselves as residents of Scarborough-Agincourt!

Electoral Representation

It is vitally important that Toronto ridings remain untouched at 25, and Scarborough at 6, in order to maintain the ongoing population growth and, in particular, the specific needs of the communities in Scarborough. The Scarborough demographics, if carefully studied, point to increases in seniors population, and new immigrants who need their voices heard by the three levels of governments – I strongly appeal for no change in the electoral make-up/representation for Scarborough – there are other areas of Ontario sparsely populated that can be amalgamated to meet the criteria sought out

Communities of Interest

I have been a resident of Scarborough-Agincourt since November 1981, and raised our two daughters here, who are now married, successfully settled with their own families in Toronto. My contributions to Scarborough-Agincourt Community/ Scarborough are briefly as follows:

  • President, St. Henry Catholic Elementary School – 9 years;
  • President/Secretary, Epiphany of Our Lord Parish - 9 years;
  • Chairperson/Member, Scarborough Youth Justice Committee – 21 years;
  • Scarborough Bicentennial Celebrations Committee – 1996;
  • Current Volunteer with the Scarborough-Guildwood Federal Liberal Women's Club, Scarborough-Guildwood Federal Liberal Association and the Scarborough-Agincourt Federal Liberal Association.

In these various roles, I have had close working relationships with St. Henry's School, the Epiphany of Our Lord Parish, Toronto Police Services 42 Division, local community organizations like Tender Care, St. Paul's Lamoureux Seniors Centre, Chester Le and, needless to say, all the local stores and businesses, that we proudly claim to be in our neighbourhood of Scarborough-Agincourt and beyond.

It is unthinkable and unimaginable that we are being re-distributed: North York, Scarborough North, etc., etc. This is not acceptable – please do not tamper with what has been working well for decades!

Closing Comments

In closing, I am writing on behalf of many fellow residents who for whatever reason are not able to express on paper what they wish to say, and beg the Commission to review the humble and sincere submissions being presented in person in the two upcoming hearings, and the numerous submissions submitted by email, etc., and make the right decision NOT to change the make-up of Scarborough-Agincourt.

I could go on and on - I believe the Commission is already receiving volumes of deputations, and so do not intend to repeat the same facts and figures over again…

Look forward to joining virtually the October 18th and 25th hearings.

Thank you, Paula.

Muriel Alvares

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