Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 72 comments and feedback

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Michael Grandsoult

This email is to voice vehement objection to the proposed border changes for the community of Scarborough, Ontario! I was born, raised, work and still live in Scarborough. My childhood home, where my mother and grandmother reside, is in the neighbourhood of L'Amoreaux (Agincourt) so I am deeply affected and concerned about this suggested change!

Scarborough is a close-knit community that is often neglected by the rest of the city. This underdog mentality has forced us to forge strong connections with ourselves and develop internal networks. The proposed changes will cut off many residents from such support and disrupt long-established community ties. Victoria Park Avenue has been Scarborough's border since 1850 so there is a deep rooted history. Moreover, less political seat representation will mean even more challenges for Scarborough to have its voice heard.

Please reconsider this idea and recognize that, rather than borders and streets, it is human people whose communal family will be shattered by this reorganization. Thanks for your time and consideration in this serious matter!

With faith in democracy,

Michael Grandsoult

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