Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 85 comments and feedback

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Susan Wright

I wish to register my strong disapproval of the proposal to split the community of Leaside for electoral purposes. Leaside has been a cohesive neighbourhood for over a hundred years and this proposal totally ignores the nature of this historic community. Leaside is one of only a few areas in the huge city of Toronto where there is a strong personal identification of residents as members of this vibrant community. The degree of community spirit here is remarkable. When 2 neighbourhood children needed multiple blood transfusions, the community came together and created the most successful and ongoing community Blood donor clinic in Canadian Blood Services history!

Our liaison from Canadian Blood Services (CBS) at that time told us that a community-run clinic our size could expect to average about 60 units of blood. I remember our committee of volunteers told them that Leaside was different, and that they should be prepared for an unusual response. https://leasidelife.com/blood-donor-clinic-like-no-other/

An unusual response indeed! The clinic ran hours overtime and some of the 206 people who came out to support this community effort had to be turned away. In that one evening, Leaside donated more than double what the average clinic achieves and provided 172 units of blood, or in human terms, saved 516 lives!

This is the fundamental nature of this special and unique community which faces numerous challenges from development, transportation projects and the many pressures on a small neighbourhood within a mega city. Leasiders have a strong interest in what happens in their neighbourhood and the effect of casually splitting the political representation of these residents will be to weaken our voices and damage one of the most vibrant communities in Toronto.

Please do not allow the bean counters to damage this community in its quest to make the numbers work. This is a community that works! Leaside deserves to be recognized and respected for its community values, not divided by an arbitrary line on a map.


Susan Wright

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