Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 96 comments and feedback

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Petia Tchouk

I'm writing with questions and comments a resident of the soon-to-be St Clair-Mount Pleasant riding.

I'm curious to understand how the Commission reviewed/considered two factors:

  • the risk of creating "safe" seats for any particularly political party
  • balancing districts so that they have a mix of income levels

The changes to my riding do not seem to be dramatic, but there are unique pockets of wealth in this part of Toronto, and it would be good to make sure that it is not being unduly concentrated in just one riding.

Similarly, Toronto and the surrounding suburbs having ridings that tend to consistently vote for one party in election after election. While that's hard to avoid in a country where cities and suburban/rural areas have different political affiliations, there is still variety within each riding. To what degree can the Commission know and account for typical voting behaviour and avoid worsening the existence of "safe" districts?

Thanks and good luck,


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