Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 75 comments and feedback

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Caitlin Stevenson

I work in Kingston, I shop in Kingston, my social life is centered in Kingston. My children go to school in the Limestone District School Board. Our family doctor is in Kingston, as well as all of the therapy and supports that we access for my special needs children. My property taxes are paid to Kingston each year. Kingston is my home, and is where my live is focused.

Brockville is close to an hour away from me, with Prescott being even further. When I am frustrated and need to reach out to an MP, I reach out to Mark Gerretsen in Kingston as his efforts apply directly to me. I'm not even sure who the MP is for the Gananoque region.

When I cast my vote, I want to cast my vote for candidates who have a vested interest in my community which is Kingston. I disagree completely with my area being included in the Gananoque/Brockville/Prescott riding as I am sure they have completely different goals and priorities that have absolutely no impact on me.

My life is in Kingston, my legal land address is in Kingston, I expect my vote to be for a Kingston candidate.

Thank you,

Caitlin Stevenson

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