Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 85 comments and feedback

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Barbara Kelsey

I am a resident of Elginburg which is north of the 401 in rural Kingston, Ontario. We moved into our home in September 2011. Shortly after moving here, our riding was switched and we went from being a part of Kingston to being a part of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. Our MP and MPP offices were both in Carleton Place which is over an hour from where we live. We have never been to either office and I couldn't even tell you how to get there.

  1. The riding is too large & broad to represent everyone fairly:

    The current proposal is Elginburg would be included in the new riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott. As a tax paying resident of Kingston, I would like my votes in a provincial or federal election to represent my issues and concerns at the local level. I do not feel being included in the riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott does that. I have worked very hard for over 20 years to have a home and a small business. I would like to know that my tax money is being used to improve my community directly. I do not feel like that has happened this last 10 years with either Scott Reid or Randy Hillier. I and many people in my community have felt our votes didn't matter and almost saw it as pointless to even vote. The previous MP and current MPP representing us do not make their presence known in my community. They have done little to nothing to reach out or to improve the lives of residents in Elginburg.

  2. We live our lives in Kingston

    All of the services we receiving in Elginburg are provided by the City of Kingston. Firefighters, ambulance and police officers all come from Kingston. Our garage service is from Kingston. Our road are maintenance and cleared by Kingston city workers. My husband and I own a small business in Kingston and 90% of our customers are in Kingston. We work here, we live here, we shop here and we support organizations within Kingston like the Humane Society and local food banks.

  3. Distance to MP and MPP offices

    If we needed to visit either the MP or MPP's office, the current offices for Kingston and The Islands is within 10 minutes of our house. Our current riding is over an hour from our home and if we are added to this new riding, the MP and MPP's office would either be in Brockville or Prescott, which is still over an hour away.

  4. I'm a tax paying resident of Kingston, not Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott

    I am a resident of a small community but I do not live close to Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott. I pay my property taxes to the City of Kingston. If I am not represented at a provincial or federal level by someone local to where I live, then why was Elginburg amalgamated with Kingston? Why do I pay Kingston taxes?

  5. Voting needs to be important again

    Our community has low voter turn out. People are not engaged in the election process here because they feel like their views are meaningless and our votes are a waste of time. After 10 years of having no voice and no representation at the provincial or federal government, I would like to see this area be represented by someone who's maybe been to Elginburg, maybe even knows someone who lives here. We haven't had that type of representation in over 10 years and I feel like it's time Kingston and the Islands was united again. We need our votes to count so we can make our city and the surround communities likes Elginburg, Glenburnie, Joyceville better places to live and work.

Thank you,

Barbara Kelsey

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