Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 92 comments and feedback

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Diane Duttle

Re: Proposed Redistribution of Electoral Boundaries Affecting Kingston & the Islands in Ontario

Dear Ms Puddy:

While the proposed redistribution of Kingston residents north of 401 to Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott is an improvement over their present attachment at the foot of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, redistribution of electoral boundaries should not be just a matter of equalizing numbers of voters in our constituencies.

Table A shows population growth for all constituencies in the eastern area in the last 10 years and no great difference in population totals between them. Glengarry-Prescott-Russell and Kingston & the Islands have each increased by 10,000, the remainder by about 5,000. Table B shows  success in reducing deviation among the group with the new plan; population differences between them remain minor.

Kingston & the Islands is the outlier in both cases and may remain so.  Community of interest should come into play here. The health of our electoral system is not improved by cutting off voters from the community in which they live, work and pay taxes.

Thank you for this opportunity to participate in you consultations. I consent to having my full name and comments posted on the electoral boundary commission's website.

Yours truly

Diane Duttle

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