Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Jannette Amini, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, County of Frontenac

Re: Frontenac County Council Special Meeting – October 17, 2022 – Submission regarding the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022

Please be advised that the Council of the County of Frontenac, at a special meeting held October 17, 2022, passed the following resolution, being Items of Business, clause a):

Item of Business 2022-123, Corporate Services, Submission regarding the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution

Motion #: 176-22

Moved by: Councillor Vandewal
Seconded by: Councillor Revill

Whereas the Township of South Frontenac is a lower-tier municipality within the County of Frontenac comprised of the following four (4) wards; Bedford, Loughborough, Portland and Storrington; and

Whereas the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac along with the Township of Central Frontenac and the Township of North Frontenac are presently located in the Federal Electoral District of Lanark – Frontenac – Kingston;

Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the County of Frontenac support the position of the Township of South Frontenac in not supporting the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario – Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 proposal which intends to divide a portion of the Township of South Frontenac (Bedford Ward) from the balance of the Township between two Federal Electoral Districts, with the majority of the Township in the Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott, Federal Electoral District respectively and the Bedford Ward in the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District;

And Further That the Council of the County of Frontenac also support the Council of the Township of South Frontenacs strong request that the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure all Township of South Frontenac residents are represented in one Electoral riding;

And Further That the Council of the County Frontenac recommends that the Commission consider that the entirety of the "northern" portion of the County of Frontenac (South Frontenac, Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships) be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure cohesiveness amongst the "northern" Frontenac Townships;

And Further That a copy of this resolution and report be provided to the Townships of Frontenac Islands, South Frontenac, Central Frontenac, and North Frontenac, the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario – Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022, and Scott Reid, Member of Parliament, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston;

And Further That Council direct the CAO to represent the County of Frontenac at the virtual hearing hosted by the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario on October 18, 2022.


Please find enclosed for your reference, a copy of Report 2022-123 – Submission regarding the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 along with its attachments.

I trust you will find this in order; however should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Truly,

Jannette Amini, Dipl.M.M., M.A. CMO
Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk

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